PivotTables Are Easy! 30 Examples for Highline College Professional Development Day 2014

Judul:PivotTables Are Easy! 30 Examples for Highline College Professional Development Day 2014
info:Download Files at very bottom of web page (Ctrl + End): http://people.highline.edu/mgirvin/excelisfun.htm Excel 2013 PivotTable Topics Covered in Video: Time Hyperlinked Table of Contents for Video: 1. (00:18 minute mark) Excel 2013 is used for this video, but most on the concepts can be used in any version. 2. (00:40 min mark) Essence of What a PivotTable does: Calculations with Criteria & Creating Summary reports 3. (04:34 min mark) Proper Data Set? 4. (06:41 min mark) Conceptual Keys to making PivotTables easy (10:32 min mark) PivotTable Basics on Student Grade Data: 5. (11:26 min mark) Create PivotTable: INSERT Ribbon Tab, PivotTable 6. (12:09 min mark) PivotTable Field List 7. (12:30 min mark) Drag and Drop Fields from PivotTable Field List to ROW, COLUMN, FILTER (these are the criteria). Drag and Drop Fields that you want to make calculations upon to VALUES (Calculations with Criteria) 8. (13:42 min mark) Values Field Settings: Change Calculation Name, Function, Number Formatting 9. (14:39 min mark) Number Formatting, Not "Cell Formatting" 10. (16:04 min mark) Format Report with: Design Ribbon Tab, Report Layout button, "Show in Tabular" 11. (17:32 Cross Tabulated Table. Average Calculation with 2 Criteria. GPA calculation by Major and Class. 12. (19:29 min mark) Filter & Slicer. Slicer is in Analyze Ribbon Tab. Average Calculation with 2 Criteria. GPA calculation by Major and Class. 13. (21:46 min mark) Format Slicer. 14. (22:53 min mark) Human Resource Data Example: How Many In Each Department? Total Hours per Department. 15. (23:08 min mark) Calculations on TEXT. 16. (25:12 min mark) Business Data Example: Sum Product by Month and Year (Group by Month & Year) 17. (26:21 min mark) Group by Date: Month and Year. 18. (27:50 min mark) Pivot the PivotTable.. 19. (28:13 min mark) Create 12 Reports Instantly with Criteria in Filter 20. (29:01 min mark) Show Report Filter Pages: Analyze Ribbon Tab, PivotTable group, Options drop-down arrow, Show Report Filter Pages 21. (30:34 min mark) Library Data Example: How Many Times Each Book Checked Out? Total Days For Each Book? 22. (33:04 min mark) Multiple Tables in One PivotTable Field List with Excel 2013 & Table Feature 23. (34:45 min mark) Create Excel Table. 24. (35:47 min mark) Get two tables into PivotTable Field List. 25. (36:55 min mark) Create Relationships between two tables. 26. (38:56 min mark) Bring Huge Data into Excel 2013 PowerPivot to reduce File Size 27. (41:07 min mark) Versions of Excel 2013 that have PowerPivot 28. (41:24 min mark) Get External Data dialog box: Import Table. 29. (41:58 min mark) Columnar In Memory Database (XVelocity engine in PowerPivot) 30. (42:52 min mark) Create PivotTable from PowerPivot Data Model. 31. (43:22 min mark) Summary Highline College Professional Development Day 2014. October 17, 2014.
Upload:17 October 2014

irfan D:I would say Waow . I have been through different videos , but none of the lectures came close to yours . Brilliant way to explain . One of the best videos for Pivot tables.
Alnasrlina:I truly appreciate your excellent explanations! My question is (from 37:33), in the PivotTable Fields menu, there is a selection for Active and All - what is the difference between the two? When I choose the data fields from the Active tab, I am not prompted to create a relation between the two tables.
MsAmanuell:Thank you This was a very sample on the creation and using of pivot table but let say we need to add on rows. Employee number "Rows A" Name "Rows B" Surname "Rows C" And I would like them to-be in rows A,B and C without space. Your help would be much appreciative.
Jack Mckillop:Is there a way to display time phased data - that is - data across the columns representing dates as to when hours are applied? Trying to time phase resource hours distribution by charge number by resource using an import from MS Project...Thanks
HappyTo BeHere:Awesome instructions!
Michel Perez:Thanks for sharing, Mr. Girvin! Love your videos and your good mood!
LongTimeTTFan:Real world examples. Practical application. Detailed instruction. Clear demonstration. Thorough explanation. All is super, as usual, from Mike.
Manuel Montes:Video is fantastic. Question: Has anyone experienced issues with the Slicer feature on min 21:34? It seems mine is grayed out.
Ruth Godfrey:What video should i watch where I can sort a pivot table?
alicetex:This is great when you have practice sheets to work with, but I'm trying to set up a pivot table for an anonymous clients survey (web & mail-ins) using case managers, agencies, and the number of times clients chose case managers from different agencies. How would I set this up on excel? Should I list the column's as case managers, agencies, mentioned in web survey, mentioned in mail-in survey, then percentages? Any thoughts on the best way to make the table and then a pivot table, and maybe a reference sheet? Any feedback and comments will be greatly appreciated. My job is pretty much on the line, if I can't produce the data on excel with a pivot table. Thanks in advance!
angelicafun:Thank you so much for this!
Amanda Pena:Best I have seen! Thank you so much!!!
Reboot:This is a great VDO and thank you for sharing.
Tony Clifton:Great tutorial! Very "idiot proof" :)
Kitana818:You fascinate me! Highline College is one lucky college to have you.
Gopala Krishna:Thanks a lot. fantastic and marvelous explanation. Good work indeed. You are helping a lot of people in understanding the pivot with your superb explanation. Awaiting eagerly many many more this type of Excel User Friendly tricks/tips in the days to come. Once again HATS OFF with deep respect.
Thomas O'Connor:you are absolutely incredible!
Pawel Gozdz:You don't even realize how helpful the slicer is!! OMG this helps me a lot. Thx :)
K. T. Clark:Mike, usually I lose interest with videos over 5 minutes but you kept my attention for the entire video. Thanks much.

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